Rebekah Hatrak

Many people have their own coping mechanisms for dealing with personal trauma. I use art as a coping mechanism. I don't use it to distract myself, but as a way to remind myself that these events don't define me as a person, they made me stronger. Given that, I make art from the things that I have experienced. I feel by doing this, my art is more personal and more relatable to others who have gone through a similar thing.

Throughout the past few years, I have been in a few controlling and abusive relationships which has caused me to develop PTSD. This causes images and flashbacks. It has been extremely difficult to put those images and thoughts into words. Therefore, I decided to reflect upon the images I was seeing and make art about the emotions I was experiencing. I use art as a way to express what happened to me as my healing process.

I want to make the world aware of the things women have to go through on a daily basis to protect themselves from strangers and people that are close to them. My work is based on the concept of living through the trauma I've endured and wanting to make the world aware of the mental and physical aspects trauma can cause.


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