Mark Addison

I’m interested in dichotomies, juxtapositions, and contradictions, whether that be power or morality, life and death, profit or prophet. Living in an age of the Internet and social media, I have unlimited source materials and information to work with. ADHD mixed with high functioning anxiety, I find myself thinking way too much while simultaneously moving onto different topics, which might seem like a random line of thoughts, yet happen to be connected no matter how different they may seem. I would like my work to serve as a changing and living Venn diagram, showing the intersections of what’s around. I explore themes related to my experience as an entity within a black male body. Topics of loss and absence recur in my sculpture, performance, video, fashion, poetry, and painting. Using multi-disciplinary modes, I provide the audience with different lenses through which to view and understand my work, while simultaneously building a larger sense of kinship within society. My intention is not to speak for the communities of which I am a part of but to speak for my own experience being a part of these communities.


Brianna Banscher