Brianna Banscher

The body of work I have created for my thesis is a series of paintings about my dog, Lisa, and our life together throughout quarantine. More specifically, in June 2020 I had moved into a one-bedroom apartment for just me and her. While other people had grown closer to family members or roommates, I was spending nearly all my time with Lisa and I am so very thankful to have her in my life. These paintings of Lisa are paintings of my life, my roommate, my best friend; they are love letters which I have poured my heart into in an effort to represent exactly how much she means to me. I communicate this through the handling of her as a human, depicting her bright and happy demeanor through color and pattern. Her emotions can be felt through her facial expressions and body language. I also include some of her favorite toys and the sweaters and blankets I’ve knitted or crocheted for her. Lisa has been with me for the past two years through many hardships and drastic life changes, she has been the one constant. She makes me happy and gives me a reason to get up in the morning; she makes me want to do better for her




Mark Addison


Erin Bergmann