Destiny Flores

Through my work I explore themes of home, identity, story-telling, and the passage of time. Central to this investigation is my own familial history and cultural heritage. I work with fabric, printmaking and animation; making quilt-like structures, prints on fabric, and stop-motion puppet animations. I often use soft mediums like fabric to bring a warmth or sense of comfort to pieces with uneasy content. The idea of time, especially non-linear time, is often intertwined in my pieces. My work is influenced by my experiences growing up in Southern California and Maryland, my personal experience as a Mexican American, and my familial history. My intention is to uplift my family's voice by telling their stories, with reflection of ideas I’m working through at the time. Home, being one of the most consistent themes in my art practice is a major part of what shapes and connects our experiences.

Title: I Dream of Snakes

Description: Stop-motion animation



Stop motion recorded on an iphone camera. Set walls built from wood, fabric, string, and poly-fil. Puppet made from wire and felt. Costume hand sewn with cotton fabric. Sink, beds, and toilet props, made from stuffed cotton fabric and wire mesh. Other props made from sculpey, acrylic paint, inkjet print on paper, beads, string etc. Using variations of colorful lighting, and working with a musician, I was able to bring my stopmotion to life to tell the story of my cousin's experience with body modification while incarcerated in the late 90’s and early 2000’s.


Joe Defilippis


Emily Grden