Ryan Roberts

My work typically consists of images inspired by horror films or horror in general. Images that reference horror film motifs, dark concepts, narrative structure, monsters/creatures, etc. With these pieces, I wanted to work narratively so I chose to work in a series to emphasize that. I chose to format the pieces like a storyboard or panels of a graphic novel. They are both representational as well as conceptual. I wanted to visualize the concept of the containment of beauty as well as the concept of obsession by using imagery that takes after horror film customs. I created a main antagonist that wears a mask and built a world around him based on elements of horror as well as real stories of serial killers/criminals. Some of the panels consist of environment shots which I wanted to use to be able to create an atmosphere and tell a story without giving away too much too early. Setting and establishing of a location is an important aspect of horror because of how they set the tone. Others are more symbolic or straight-up representational. Using the symbol of the butterfly lends itself to the concept of beauty and purity and the crows work in conjunction with the environment scenes and act as symbols of an omen/death. The images of the figures represent the reality of the story, showing the antagonist in the act as well as his thoughts and emotions. Like the butterflies and the crows, I wanted to offset the antagonists voice with the voice of the victim in the story. Using an etching style lends itself well to the overall concept due to its scratchy and messy aesthetic. Implementing all of these elements of the horror genre and storytelling, I wanted to talk about a concept that interested me by creating my own world and characters. I bring a certain aspect of filmmaking to my work, so I act as my own director and I think it shows in the final pieces.



Juliet Miller


Aidan Smart